After data capture and editing, the third processing operation is tabulation. Offices should develop tabulations early on, and use them both to make sure that data capture and editing are accurate. Traditionally final tabulations appeared only on paper. In recent years, however, most Statistical Offices have moved away from paper as the primary means of dissemination to other media – DVDs, flash drives, and the internet. Tabulations are the base for other types of dissemination – maps, graphs, pyramids, and small public use micro-data sets.
The Tabulation Handbook, based on the UN Principles and Recommendations is presented here, and should assist staff in statistical offices in preparing tables for censuses and follow on surveys. The UN Principles and Recommendations has a large set of tables in its appendices. These tables have been programmed in CSPro and presented in 4 sets here – (1) general population tables, (2) additional population tables, (3) required housing tables, and (4) suggested housing tables. Also, a set of UN-style tables based on the Principles and Recommendations and the Tabulation Handbook also appear here.